Tay Township Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 18, 2006 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Port McNicoll
Present: Christopher Burns, , Sandra Smith, Tom Gostick, Bill Rawson
Staff: Jeannie Tilson
Regrets: Megan Lepage, Lana Wells-Garrett

1. Call to Order:
Chair Christopher Burns called the special make-up March meeting to order at 7:15 pm. Note, the February meeting did not achieve quorum.

2. Confirmation of Agenda:
The agenda was confirmed.

3. Declaration of Interest:
There were no declarations.

4. Adoption of Minutes:

Motion 2006-10
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the minutes of the regular meeting of January 26 2006 as circulated be adopted.

5. Business Arising from the Minutes:

a. Strategic Planning
The CEO reported on the staff’s brain storming session regarding the key messages for marketing the library. Staff came up with the slogan “More than just books” and suggested creating a poster with pictures describing everything the library does. It is in the process of being designed. The CEO had provided points for discussion to develop key messages, but the Board felt that staff’s idea was excellent and adopted it. The next step is to develop a campaign strategy. The Board requested that the staff do some brain storming on this issue, and it will also be discussed at the next Board meeting.
ACTION: CEO, Staff, and Board

The Strategic Plan was be presented to the Council on February 15th. The CEO reported that it was well received. The CAO requested an outline of the financial implications and the survey results analysis which the CEO provided. She handed out copies of the financial analysis to the Board.

The committee to investigate a new staffing model for the library has not met yet. A meeting will be set up at the next Board meeting.

Some discussion ensued surrounding the issue regarding the space allocation for the Victoria Harbour library with the purchase of the building by the township. Various rumours have surfaced. Bill Rawson assured the Board that council had not made any decision on this issue.

Discussion ensued regarding the naming of the branches as Council recently passed a motion to rename Victoria Harbour Branch in honour of Theo Bernard because of his donation towards the renovations. The Chair mentioned that the name is more properly the Theo and Elaine Bernard Branch, not public library. The Board also discussed renaming Waubaushene Branch the Sheila Hamilton Branch. The Board Council representatives will bring this and the aforementioned clarification to Council.
ACTION: Bill and Tom

The Board requested membership statistics for the past couple years by branch.

b. Alarm System
The CEO reported that the system had been installed at Victoria Harbour Library, that she had sent a thank you letter and that an article had been in the paper.

c. Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising committee is working on book bags for a fundraiser. They are also considering other ideas such as a slow pitch fundraiser.

d. Staff Holidays
The CEO investigated how other libraries determine holidays. Most go on a first come first serve basis which is generally what the CEO does. Regarding the matter of Christmas holidays, this varied. Most staff are interested in everyone having the opportunity to have it off at some point and suggested a rotation based on seniority. Bill Rawson suggested that when more than one person wants it off that their names go into a hat whoever is drawn will have it off that year. The CEO felt that would be fairer.

6. Accounts:

Motion 2006-11
Moved by: Bill Rawson Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the February accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $21,285.27 be approved for payment.

Motion 2006-14
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Bill Rawson
That the March accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $9307.88 be approved for payment.

7. Correspondence:
The library received a letter from Deacon Taws informing it of a final instalment from the estate of Louis Tremblay for $574.29.

A letter was also received from the government of Ontario regarding a one-time grant for the library. The CEO reported that a cheque for $31, 500 had already been received. She will discuss her proposal for the money at the next meeting.

A thank you card was received from Carol Vanderhart and family for the plant sent in condolences for the passing of her father.

The Board asked the CEO to arrange for a fruit basket for Board member Megan Lepage whose mother is seriously ill in hospital.

8. Branch Reports:
The Chair highlighted staff’s reaction to the Saturday rotation.

9. CEO Report:
The CEO provided an outline of the projects and tasks that requires her attention for the next year.

10. Canadian Heritage Digital Archives
The CEO presented a proposal from Dwight Norrena of Canadian Heritage Digital Archives wishing to digitise the historical collections of libraries in Simcoe County and create a searchable database of them. There would be no cost to the library (other than staff time to identify and retrieve material), the library would receive a copy of the microform for all items, and access to the database. The Board agreed to be a part of the project.

Motion 2006-15
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Bill Rawson
That Tay Township Public Library will enter into an agreement with Canadian Heritage Digital Archives to digitize the historical/archival collection of the Tay Township Public Library.

11. Policies:
a. Confidentiality of Library Records
Motion 2006-12
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Bill Rawson
That the Confidentiality of Patron Records Policy be adopted as presented.

b. Evening Staffing
Motion 2006-13
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the Staffing of Library Buildings in the Evening Hours Policy be adopted as presented.

c. Circulation Policy
Motion 2006-05
Moved by: Bill Rawson Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the Circulation Policy be adopted as revised.

The Chair requested the outstanding lost book amounts and number of items by Branch.

d. Internet Use Policy
Deferred to next meeting.

e. Volunteer Policy
Deferred to next meeting.

f. Resource Sharing
The CEO explained the resource sharing policy involves deciding whether the Board wishes to lend books in the provincial interlibrary loan system. The library currently borrows books.

g. Schedule
The CEO proposed changing the dates for several policies to correspond with the Strategic plan. The Board agreed to move the Advocacy and Community Information policies to the fall and the Programming policy to 2007.

12. In Camera:

Motion 2006-16
Moved by: Bill Rawson Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the we adjourn to an in camera session.

Motion 2006-17
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Bill Rawson
That the we adjourn from the in camera session at 9:35 p.m. and return to the regular meeting.

Motion 2006-18
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Bill Rawson
That the report of the committee of the whole be adopted as read.

Staffing issues were discussed.

13. Other Business:
There was no other business.

14. Adjournment:
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35