Tay Township Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 27, 2006
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Port McNicoll
Present: Christopher Burns, Megan Lepage, Lana Wells-Garrett, Sandra Smith, Tom Gostick,
Staff: Jeannie Tilson
Regrets: Bill Rawson

* Call to Order:
Chair Christopher Burns called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
* Confirmation of Agenda:
The agenda was confirmed.
* Declaration of Interest:
There were no declarations.
* Adoption of Minutes:

Motion 2006-19
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the minutes of the regular March meeting held on April 18, 2006, as circulated be adopted.

The CEO noted that minutes omitted the discussion that surrounded the names of the branches under 5.a. and has updated the minutes accordingly.
* Business Arising from the Minutes:

a. Strategic Planning
The Staffing structure committee set a meeting for Wednesday, May 3 rd at 4:00 at Port McNicoll Branch. The CEO has conducted some background research and will send the information to the committee: Chris, Megan, and Lana.

b. Fundraising Committee
The Board settled on having the library name, logo and website on the bags. Discussion ensued regarding where the money will come for the initial outlay for the bags. One suggestion was the grant money. The CEO will consult with the Treasurer as to what would be the best.

c. Branch Statistics
The CEO relayed the membership statistics. 2488 people were registered in 2004, 3034 were registered by the end of 2005, and as of April 26, 2006, 2154 people were registered. The CEO will include the information in next month’s report. Tom suggested creating something for the council including the membership statistics and the statistics for the extra March Break hours.

d. Ontario Grant
The CEO proposed that the grant money be used to replace shelving in all the branches as far as it will go. Most of the shelving is wooden, not proper library shelving, and some such as the juvenile section of Port McNicoll, is a health and safety concern because it is too high. The CEO described suggestions for improving the shelving arrangement at Port McNicoll that one of the shelving company representatives provided. He would be able to do the same for the other branches. The Board discussed the proposal and discussed renovations to the basement at Port McNicoll. The Board accepted the shelving proposal. The CEO will provide cost information at the next meeting.

e. Lost Books
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
* Accounts:

Motion 2006-20
Moved by: Lana Wells-Garrett Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the April accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $10,564.03 be approved for payment.

The Township of Tay charges under Port McNicoll and Waubaushene were questioned. It was determined that it was probably the water/sewer charges.

The Board confirmed that they want to tender the snow removal contract for Waubaushene.
* Correspondence:

A letter was received from the Ministry of Culture introducing the new minister and discussing the recent grant to libraries.
* Branch Reports:
The CPR sign that was donated to Port McNicoll branch was discussed and the Board agreed that it should be displayed in the library. The Chair would like to sign the thank you letter that is sent.
* CEO Report:
The CEO distributed the auditor’s report to the Board. It will be discussed at the next meeting.

The CEO reported that Eagle Roofing had donated materials and labour to repair the shingles on the porch for the Port McNicoll Branch.

The CEO discussed the need for a grievance policy and would have a draft for the next meeting.
* Policies:
a. Internet Use Policy
Motion 2006-21
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the Internet Policy be adopted as reviewed.

b. Volunteer Policy
Motion 2006-22
Moved by: Lana Wells-Garrett Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the Volunteer Policy be adopted as reviewed.

c. Resource Sharing
The Board discussed the library’s obligation to lend books in the provincial interlibrary loan system. The consensus was that as a heavier borrower, we should at some point contribute to the lending. The CEO will find out from our SOLS representative what sort of time line is expected to become a lender now that we are automated.
* In Camera:

Motion 2006-23
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the we adjourn to an in camera session.

Motion 2006-24
Moved by: Lana Wells-Garrett Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the we adjourn from the in camera session at 9:25 p.m. and return to the regular meeting.

Motion 2006-25
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the report of the committee of the whole be adopted as read.

Staff performance review issues were discussed.
* Other Business:
Lana invited other Board members to the next SOLS Trustees meeting.
* Adjournment:
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25.