Tay Township Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Date: January 26, 2006 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Port McNicoll
Present: Christopher Burns, Megan Lepage, Sandra Smith, Lana Wells-Garrett
Staff: Jeannie Tilson
Regrets: Tom Gostick, Bill Rawson

1. Call to Order:
Chair Christopher Burns called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Confirmation of Agenda:
The agenda was confirmed.

3. Declaration of Interest:
There were no declarations.

4. Adoption of Minutes:

Motion 2006-01
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Lana Wells-Garrett
That the minutes of the regular meeting of November 24, 2005, as circulated be adopted.

5. Business Arising from the Minutes:

a. Strategic Planning
The CEO presented the completed pamphlet to the Board. The Board reviewed the parts of the plan that are scheduled to be completed in 2006. A Board and staff committee will be working on marketing the library to the community and community groups. The CEO will consult SOLS as to the guidance they can provide. Staff will brainstorm at the next staff meeting and report back to the Board at the next Board meeting.
ACTION: CEO, Staff, Board

The Board struck a committee to investigate the a new staffing model for the library. Chris Burns, Lana Wells-Garrett and Megan Lepage will be the Board members on the committee. A meeting will be scheduled for March.

The Fundraising committee will consist of Chris Burns and Megan Lepage. They will create a plan and report back to the Board.
ACTION: Chris Burns and Megan Lepage

The Strategic Plan will be presented to the Council on February 15th.

b. Operating Budget Motion
Motion 2006-02
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That a 2.5% cost of living increase be approved for the library salary grid effective January 1st, 2006.

c. Alarm System
The CEO reported that she received a response from Huronia Alarms regarding the letter the Board sent inquiring as to whether Huronia Alarms would be able to help with an alarm for Victoria Harbour. President, Kevin Leonard has generously offered to donate an alarm system and the installation. All he asks is that we publicise the donation and pay the monthly monitoring fee. The Board asked the CEO to accept the offer on their behalf.

d. Staff Schedule
The CEO reported that the staffing schedule to rotate staff among the branches had been developed and implemented. Staff are rotating on Saturdays. The CEO mentioned that it was a challenge to come up with a schedule due to the differing hours of the branches and the staff.

e. March Break Hours
The extra March Break Hours were accepted in the budget. All branches will be open on the Monday and Waubaushene will be open on the Wednesday of March Break.

f. Phone System
The second line at Port McNicoll has been converted to a direct line to the CEO and voice mail has been added.

6. Accounts:

Motion 2006-03
Moved by: Lana Wells-Garrett Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the December accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $2724.17 be approved for payment.

Motion 2006-04
Moved by: Lana Wells-Garrett Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the December accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $9530.74 be approved for payment.

7. Correspondence:
A patron sent a letter describing problems she had had with our book reserve system. The CEO investigated and sent a letter explaining the problems and apologising for any inconvenience.

8. Branch Reports:
The CEO outlined some of the improvements that had been done at Victoria Harbour branch such as the shelving from the county library being installed. The new computers to replace the stolen ones arrived. Port McNicoll and Waubaushene Branches are both participating as a pickup location for the Good Food Box programme administered by Community Link.

9. CEO Report:
a. Desk Time
The Board accepted the CEO’s request to reduce her desk time. As both she and another staff member are scheduled Tuesday mornings, the other staff member has been looking after the desk as story time has been moved to Saturdays.

b. Staff Holidays
Staff has requested that a more equitable way of determining holidays be investigated. The CEO will investigate possibilities.

10. Policies:
a. Confidentiality of Library Records
The policy was discussed and a couple small changes were made.

b. Evening Staffing
The policy was discussed.

c. Circulation Policy
The revisions were discussed. The possibilities for recovering fines and lost materials billed to patrons were reviewed. It may be possible to include it on the tax bill or send to a collection agency. Adoption of the policy was deferred in order to investigate these possibilities.

d. Membership Policy

Motion 2006-06
Moved by: Lana Wells-Garrett Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the Membership Policy be adopted as revised.

11. In Camera:

Motion 2006-07
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Lana Wells-Garrett
That the we adjourn to an in camera session.

Motion 2006-08
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Lana Wells-Garrett
That the we adjourn from the in camera session at 9:20 p.m. and return to the regular meeting.

Motion 2006-09
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Lana Wells-Garrett
That the report of the committee of the whole be adopted as read.

Victoria Harbour Library and the CEO review were discussed.

12. Other Business:
There was no other business.

13. Adjournment:
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25.