Tay Township Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Date: May 25, 2006
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Victoria Harbour
Present: Christopher Burns, Megan Lepage, Lana Wells-Garrett, Sandra Smith, Tom Gostick,
Staff: Jeannie Tilson
Regrets: Bill Rawson

1. Call to Order:
Chair Christopher Burns called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

2. Confirmation of Agenda:
The agenda was confirmed.

3. Declaration of Interest:
There were no declarations.

4. Adoption of Minutes:

Motion 2006-26
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Lana Garrett
That the minutes of the regular April meeting, as circulated be adopted.

5. Business Arising from the Minutes:

a. Staffing Structure
The Staffing structure committee met and have sought help of SOLS. Gwen Wheeler from SOLS is working on a process for the committee to work through to analyse the staffing needs. She will meet with the CEO on June 15th.

b. Fundraising Committee
The company working on the bags is having problems with the logo that we sent. The CEO will obtain an original copy of the Township logo from the Township and coordinate with the company.

c. Ontario Grant
The CEO presented the shelving quotes for Port McNicoll and Waubaushene and reviewed the recommendations the vendor representative made for rearranging Waubaushene. The Board directed the CEO to move ahead with the project.
The Board also discussed implementing a wireless network in the libraries. The CEO will confer with the County Librarian for the pro’s and con’s of this.

d. Lost Books
Even after consulting with the County Chief librarian and the software vendor, an accurate picture of the outstanding money owning was not obtained. However, staff was able to come up with a very “ball park” figure, but the CEO cautioned that there was no way to be sure that everything was actually items billed to patrons and that some items did not have prices associated with them.

e. Snow Removal Tender
The CEO reported that she had the tender documents completed using an example provided by the Township. The Board decided to advertise it in the summer and make a decision at the first meeting in September. A letter and tender package will be sent to the present contractor.

6. Accounts:

Motion 2006-27
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the May accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $3,453.50 be accepted.

7. Correspondence:

A thank you card was received from Megan Lepage and family.

8. Branch Reports:
The reports were reviewed.

9. CEO Report:
The CEO reported that the library will receive extended CAP sustainability funding. A contract is expected in June. She has also applied for a CAP student for the summer.

10. Auditor’s Report:
The Board reviewed the report. There were no questions.

11. Capital Budget:
The CEO distributed a draft of the capital budget. She presented quotes to replace the windows at Port McNicoll and Waubaushene and the assessment of the roof at Waubaushene. She recommended that the two computers slotted for replacement for 2007 could be moved to 2008. She also reduced the amount budgeted for computer replacement. Roof replacement at Waubaushene was discussed. The Board would like to look into having a peaked roof installed. Painting the libraries will also be included in the budget.

12. Policies:

a. Resource Sharing
The CEO reported that she heard back from Gwen Wheeler form SOLS and that there was not expected timeline to become a lending library, but it was in the spirit of resource sharing. The CEO obtained request statistic from libraries of a similar size to help assess the increased work load. The Staffing Structure Committee will include this in their analysis.

b. Grievance Policy
Motion 2006-28
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the Grievance Policy be adopted as reviewed.

c. Children’s Services Policy
Motion 2006-29
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Lana Garrett
That the Children’s Services Policy be adopted as reviewed.

d. Information Services Policy
Motion 2006-30
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the Information Services Policy be adopted as reviewed.

13. In Camera:

Motion 2006-31
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the we adjourn to an in camera session.

Motion 2006-32
Moved by: Lana Garrett Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the we adjourn from the in camera session at 9:30 p.m. and return to the regular meeting.

Motion 2006-33
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Lana Garrett
That the report of the committee of the whole be adopted as read.

Personnel matters were discussed.

14. Other Business:
The Chair thanked Tom Gostick for picking up the circulation desk at Beeton library and delivering it to Victoria Harbour.

15. Adjournment:
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40.