Tay Township Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Date: November 24, 2005 Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: CEO’s House

Present: Christopher Burns, Megan Lepage, Tom Gostick, Sandra Smith

Staff: Jeannie Tilson

Regrets: Lana Wells-Garrett, Bill Rawson

* Call to Order:
Chair Christopher Burns called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
* Confirmation of Agenda:
The agenda was confirmed.
* Declaration of Interest:
There were no declarations.
* Adoption of Minutes:

Motion 2005-44
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the minutes of the regular meeting of October 27, 2005, as circulated be adopted.
* Business Arising from the Minutes:

a. Budget
The CEO and Board Chair discussed their presentation of the Budget to Council. Tom Gostick reported on Council’s budget discussions regarding the library. The library study will not be going a head.

b. Policy Schedule
The CEO provided a policy development schedule for the Board.

c. Card Holder Statistics
The CEO provided the information for this in her report. There are 1715 card holders who have used their card in the last year.


d. Strategic Planning
The CEO provided a copy of the text of the plan and displayed a draft format. The Board made a couple of suggestions regarding arrangement. The Board decided to have it designed and printed by the Midland Copy Shop.

e.Victoria Harbour Library Project
The Chair have the statement written by Monday, Nov. 28 th. The CEO reported that she had spoken to the landlord regarding painting the branch. He wishes to wait until his daughter returns to decide and he wishes to talk to the Board. The Chair will phone him.

The CEO informed the Board that there is another opportunity to apply for Trillium funding and the deadline is March 1, 2006.
* Accounts:

Motion 2005-45
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the October accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $13 354.64 be approved for payment.

The Board discussed an alarm system for Victoria Harbour. The CEO will write a letter to Huronia Alarms exploring the possibility of them donating a system as they did for the other two branches.
* Correspondence:
There was none.
* Branch Reports:
There was no discussion.
* CEO Report:
The CEO reported that she was unable to hire a second CAP student.
* Policy Review:
The Board discussed the best way and time to review the policies already established. The Board decided to review each policy each year from its establishment.

* In Camera:

Motion 2005-46
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the we adjourn to an in camera session.

Motion 2005-47
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the we adjourn from the in camera session at 8:30 p.m. and return to the regular meeting.

Motion 2005-48
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the report of the committee of the whole be adopted as read.

Staffing issues were discussed.
* Other Business:
The Board discussed staffing and scheduling and directed the CEO to develop a schedule that would rotate staff to all three branches.

The Board discussed improving the phone system so there would be one number for the library with options to connect to the three branches and the CEO separately and voice mail. The CEO will look into it.

The Board discussed the extra hours at March Break and decided go ahead with them but close a day around Christmas 2006 to make up for the extra hours.

The Board scheduled a special meeting for Thursday, December 8, 2005 at 7:00 at the Port McNicoll Branch.
* Adjournment:
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50.