Tay Township Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Oct 27, 2005
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Victoria Harbour Branch

Present: Christopher Burns, Megan Lepage, Tom Gostick, Sandra Smith
Staff: Jeannie Tilson
Regrets: Lana Wells-Garrett, Bill Rawson

1. Call to Order:
Chair Christopher Burns called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
2. Board Orientation
The CEO presented information on the Occupational Health and Safety Act and The Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Criminal Liability of Organisations).

The Board asked that any health and safety issues be reported in the CEO report.
3. Confirmation of Agenda:
The agenda was confirmed with the addition of the CEO performance appraisal under CEO report.
4. Declaration of Interest:
Megan Lepage declared an interest in the caretaker contract budget discussions.
5. Adoption of Minutes:

Motion 2005-39
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Megan Lepage
That the minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 2005, as circulated be adopted.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes:

a. Card Holder Statistics
The CEO asked to defer this as she has not had a response from the County Librarian as to whether or how to retrieve this information.

b. Evening Staffing Policies
The CEO reported on the written and unwritten policies from seven libraries. They all have two people in the building during evening hours and some have two in the building at all times. The Board directed the CEO to develop a written policy.

c. Strategic Planning
The Chair presented the strategic plan that the committee had developed over the last year.

Motion 2005-41
Moved by: Sandra Smith Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the Tay Township Public Library Strategic Plan be adopted as presented.

The CEO will develop a work plan for Board and staff based on the plan.

d.Victoria Harbour Library Project
The CEO reported that the Council has decided to go a head with the study of library services delivery despite the fact that the Board decided not to. The $30 000 that initially had been placed in the Library’s capital budget has been withdrawn and relocated to general government capital budget. Discussion ensued.

The CEO expressed staff’s concern regarding the lack of progress on a plan for the Victoria Harbour branch. The CEO requested that the Board work on a plan and issue a statement for staff and the public on the situation. The Chair will develop a statement.

The Chair proposed working to improve the current space by painting the walls. The CEO advised that it would be a significant undertaking that would likely require the closure of the branch for a couple days. The Board felt that the improvements would make it worth closing for a few days. The Board asked the CEO to check with the land lord for permission to paint.
7. Accounts:

Motion 2005-40
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the September accounts as presented and attached in the amount of $6421.27 be approved for payment.

There was a question regarding facets under Waubaushene. As per the accessibility plan, the facets in the washroom were slated for replacement. The lock smith charge was to fix the front door lock on Port McNicoll as someone had shoved something in it and damaged it.
8. Correspondence:
The was a letter from Deacon Taws regarding the final disbursement from the estate of Louis Tremblay. The library received an additional $1427.73. There were also two letters from the Ministry of Culture regarding the cuts to the Southern Ontario Library Service. The CEO reviewed the implications of the cuts.
9. Branch Reports:
There was a question regarding the comment in the Victoria Harbour report that no one had finished Readopoly and yet the numbers were up. There could have been any number of reasons.
10. CEO Report:
a. Accessibility
The CEO reviewed the accessibility issues that will be dealt with this year.

b. SOLS cuts
Review under correspondence.

c. CEO appraisal
The CEO reviewed the appraisal process and the Chair requested two Board members to form the appraisal committee. Sandra Smith and Tom Gostick with comprise the committee.
11. Policies:
a. Young Adult Policy
Motion 2005-32
Moved by: Megan Lepage Seconded by: Tom Gostick
That the Young Adult Services Policy be adopted as submitted.

There was discussion regarding inappropriate use of computers and what could be done about it. Staff regularly monitors the computers, and there is an internet use policy in place. So far, there has not been a major issue with it.

b. Policy Schedule
The CEO outlined the ones that should be done first. There was discussion regarding a privacy policy and the importance of having one in place. The CEO will develop a schedule.
12. Operating Budget:
The CEO outlined the changes in the budget from the last presentation: audit fees will be going up by 5%; the Waubaushene building repairs budget was increased by $200 because snow removal fees had increased; Waubaushene Hydro, water, sewer increased by $200 ; and s alaries now include the 2.5% cost of living . The Board had no issues with any of these items.

The increase to the salaries budget to increase March Break hours was approved. The Board discussed the caretaker contract for Port McNicoll and approved an increase.

The Board will approve the cost of living increase to the salary grid after Council has decided to approve it.

Motion 2005-42
Moved by: Tom Gostick Seconded by: Sandra Smith
That the Budget as presented for 2006 be accepted and submitted to Council as a part of the Municipal budget process.
13. Other Business:
There was none.
14. Adjournment:
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40.