Waubaushene Branch

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Proin quis urna quis mi gravida rhoncus. Proin in ipsum. Praesent ut nisl. Etiam felis. Mauris vel justo. Donec velit tellus, dictum non, ornare sit amet, mattis sit amet, velit. Aenean gravida, augue vel molestie aliquam, enim tellus vehicula eros, ut luctus nisl nisi luctus sem. Praesent laoreet cursus velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum aliquam mi.
About or Waubaushene Branch
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Waubaushene Branch
Tel/Fax: 705-538-1122
E-mail: wblibrary@tay.township.on.ca
Address: Box 280 17 Thiffault St. Waubaushene, ON L0K 2C0
Branch Librarian, Janice Waddell: jwaddell@tay.township.on.ca
To view volunteer positions available at the branch near you click here. To inquire about volunteer opportunities in your branch please contact the branch librarian.